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On an Unbreakable Journey
From One Beginner to Another: Breathe In, Breathe out.
If you’re like me, dealing with anxiousness is a constant part of your life, and that’s okay. There are ways we can handle anxiety such as using the power of breath-work. When we become anxious,…
From One Beginner to Another: Calm Your Mind.
Some use yoga as a healing and restoration process, others use it as a physical exercise, and some use it as a form of meditation. In the studio, you don’t have to think about anything…
Been a Long Day? Week? Month? We’ve All Been There.
After the most stressful and tiring of days, getting up and going down to the studio might be the last thing you want to do, but keeping up with your practice is a great way…
From One Beginner to Another.
Yogis aren’t born from thin air, it takes practice, time, and determination to do yoga, but it is true that yoga can be for anybody! During your practice, it isn’t about trying to see who…
Silly vs. Smart: Prioritize Smarts Over Shapes
Today’s lesson is about a bind in extended side angle, and we’re going to make this pose much smarter with the help of a strap! As we know, it’s important to challenge yourself, whether you’re…
Silly vs. Smart: Down Dog Is Not the Bad Guy—If You Modify!
This staple posture is bound to show up in almost every yoga class, but for a lot of people, it can be a very challenging share to hold! Luckily, we have our Silly vs. Smart…
Silly Vs. Smart: Stand Smarter with Props!
Our Silly vs. Smart series continues with today’s lesson focusing on standing splits and how you can be so much smarter with it! Now standing splits can be a fun pose to take, but, many…
Smarter Poses, Smarter Bodies! – Silly vs. Smart
This one is for all the folks trying to twist out the toxins in their bodies! It is so important to create space before you turn in during any pose. Rounding your back, slouching your shoulders…
A Smart Tip! -Silly vs. Smart
Now this tip is a bit more subtle! For this week’s edition of Silly vs. Smart, we bring you Camel Pose! Now there are many variations to this pose. It all depends on your body! So…
It’s Silly to Struggle, Be Smarter!
Is this how you look in class when you struggle without a prop? And for what? Just to reach your toe?That is beyond silly! As you can see here, when Matthew goes for the sans…