Yoga For Any Age
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Get there.
Answer this.
Remember that.
We each juggle a million different things each day – roles and responsibilities collide with dings and alerts from smartphones and laptops that pull us away from what we all agree is one of the most important things in our lives …
Our relationships, in particular our relationships with our children.
It’s rare for many of us to take time to “be” and reconnect with those most important to us.
I am excited to announce today that Titanium Yoga is starting a new series of classes for adults and children. This will be a practice for the whole family.
How amazing would it be the next time your little one gets upset or frustrated to remind them to use their “bubble bee breath” to help calm themselves down?
There are so many amazing tools for positively coping with what life brings for children to learn in our yoga classes.
The benefits of yoga for children are endless, including:
- Developing positive body awareness
- Teaching children how to use their bodies in a healthy way
- Managing stress through breath, awareness, mediation and movement
- Building concentration and connection with others
- Increasing confidence and positive self-image
- Feeling part of a healthy, non-competitive environment
- Having an alternative to tuning out through constant attachment to electronics
When you attend, expect a wellness-centered class that focuses on:
- Breath work
- Family bonding
- Partner play
- Shape creation
- Meditation
- Real life integration of these tools
This family yoga series will be a great opportunity for your family to connect and play together.
Check it out on our schedule the 3rd Thursday of each month!