August 16, 2018

Teacher’s Perspective

Have you been into Titanium Yoga yet?

What’s stopping you?

For many first time yogis, it may be a fear of the unknown and a hesitation that they will look silly or out of place.

Let me assure you, that’s not the case. Titanium Yoga was specifically designed to be welcoming to one and all, both first-time and more experienced yogis. Our studio is a place of healing, where our yoga family comes together as we each work toward becoming unbreakable in our own way. The studio’s design is a large part of that experience.

Titanium Yoga’s teachers share what they love most about the studio and teaching here:

What are client reactions to the studio?

“When students first come into the studio, most of their initial reactions are, ‘Wow!’ The studio is quite impressive from the moment you walk in. You are greeted by an inviting space and a friendly smile. Then, the grand finale, the studio itself! It’s calm and welcoming vibe radiates throughout the room. I’ve heard so much positive feedback about the studio. Not only praise for the appearance but all the teachers as well.”

Tiffany Howard

“When new clients walk through the doors, they immediately comment on how beautiful the space is. Our clients regularly remark on how every detail has been thought of.”

Liana Redshaw

What is your favorite class to teach?

“My favorite class to teach is Silver. I absolutely love when new students come in! Empowering students to go to their edge and explore the strength they have within themselves is always my goal. Being able to see newer students expand their practice and watch their growth right before my eyes is so amazing and inspires me every single time.”


“I love teaching the Diamond class, where we incorporate a six-pound SmartBell into the practice to mix up the class. Not only does it intensify the workout but I love that it allows for partner work and the ability to assist in stretching. This class is challenging but perfect for integration into the body.”


“My favorite class to teach is the Titanium or signature class. With high heat (96 degrees) and no chaturangas, it’s the perfect place to heal injuries and rebuild strength. I love anatomy, the results we can get, and the fulfillment it brings.”

Alan Calkins

Be sure to check out our class schedule today.

What things do you as a teacher love about the studio?

“Other than how stunningly beautiful the studio is, I love the variety of teachers at Titanium Yoga. We are all so different and unique in our own ways, which allows students to experience yoga differently in each class. There’s something for everyone.”


“I love how each time I walk in, I feel calmer. Coming to work is easy and enjoyable. All of our teachers and clients are friendly and happy to be there. I love the heating system we have. I was never a fan of hot yoga before, but this is a totally different kind of heat. It always leaves me feeling rejuvenated.”


What made you come to Titanium Yoga?

“I came to this studio because I was so inspired by Ashley’s vision for Titanium Yoga. I wanted to be a part of building a community where people could come to practice yoga, heal, empower, and become unbreakable.”


“I decided to teach at Titanium Yoga because there is a wide variety of classes that I can teach and I am able to explore different teaching styles. I love that Ashley’s vision was to provide an outline, and we can create whatever we want to give to our students. I also love that I live in Ponte Vedra Beach so I can work so close to my home. That way I can spend more time with my family versus commuting. Lastly, because of Ashley’s story, we are bringing in a lot of new yogis who have injuries or have been too scared to try yoga. They now have a home or yoga family where we are all becoming unbreakable together.”


“When I met Ashley and heard her story, I felt an immediate bond with her. Yoga pulled me out of a very dark time in my life as well. I love our teaching team, and I ESPECIALLY love our students! Ranging, physically from injuries, multiple surgeries, athletes and fellow yoga teachers. Everyone who comes through the door has their own strength and inspiration to contribute.”


Don’t leave before checking out our class schedule and learning more about the studio’s design, including the benefits of the infrared heating system we use to promote healing and longevity.